Sunday, March 13, 2011

Flourish and Blotts

Books . Books .Books

Time and again , I realize how much I relish reading books . They have always been a source of timepass , some –a joy to read , some classics , a few were un-put-downable . But one thing common about them is the overall reading experience .
The knowledge , the sense of satisfaction & the inspiration you derive after reading a really good book/novel is just superlative. I’m writing this today ,because I just finished reading Dan Brown’s Classic “Angels and Demons” – for the “nth” time .Revolving around the magical world of Dr.Robert Langdon  I’m at a loss of adjectives to describe about the brilliance of this book.  Science and Relgion may be miles apart ,but they need to co-exist . Dan brown has bridged the pillars of science and religion vibrantly.

You’re free this weekend .No trips ? no movies , no hangouts ? got a couple of days off ?? In that case , I highly recommend you guys to read Dan Brown’s Classics .
You can get started right here !!

Few other Books you don’t wanna miss out on :

·      Deception Point –Dan brown
·         Not a penny more , Not a penny less – Jeffrey Archer (This guy is my favourite author)
·         Coma – Robin Cook
·         A scandal in Bohemia –Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
·         Shall we tell the president – Jeffrey Archer
·         Atlas shrugged – Ayn rand 


And  I’ll suggest plenty more in the coming weeks …

For those who do not know the synonym –here is the webster’s definition -

Insomnia is difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep, or having nonrefreshing sleep for at least 1 month

Off  late , I must confess I have become insomniac .And I cant say I hate it .it’s just –I Don’t wanna go to sleep . Staying awake aimlessly ,with my ipod plugged in ,late night soccer , surfing the web , gossips on facebook ,watching a late night movie , eating noodles after 2am . Yes , this has been my routine in recent times . How do I ever get out of it ?

After some profound research over the internet , I have some good news for my fellow insomniacs who are reading this now – (For those who are early to bed & early to rise – Don’t worry ,you’ll continue to be healthy ,wealthy & wise)

The word HOW matters , Not WHEN . sleep at 9pm , sleep at 3am - Doesn’t matter-as long as you have slept for a minimum of 5 ,(preferably 6 or even more hours )

Do what YOU think is the best for you . As you might know every human body incorporates it’s own biological clock and gets seasoned to that clock . Changes are acceptable –but the frequency of changes must be kept in check .

Sleeping & Eating go hand in hand .Immaterial of when you sleep/wake up ,try to satisfy the body’s nutritious needs 3 times a day ,with a 4 hour gap .

So now , My routine is something like this :

Sleeping time -4am
Rising time – Fluctuates from 10am-1pm)
Eating : 2pm, 7pm, 1am (Yeah 1am . LOL)

I’m Insomniac – I’m Lovin it !!

Friday, January 30, 2009


Wanna get scared? Wanna get goose pimples? Buy the ticket for RAAZ - THE MYSTERY CONTINUES pronto. It lives up to the hype and expectations completely. 

A brooding artist Prithvi [Emraan Hashmi] experiences mysterious and distressing visions about Nandita [Kangna Ranaut], a woman he has never met, while he paints on canvas. Intrigued by these visions, Prithvi tracks her down and warns her that these are not merely paintings of her, but accidents that are waiting to happen.

At first, Nandita refuses to believe him and dismisses him as an eccentric stalker. However, the striking resemblance between Prithvi's paintings and the near-death incidents in her life is hard to ignore.

Now, one of Prithvi's paintings has revealed her as dead. The only way she can change her fate is to unravel this mystery with his help, at the risk of alienating herself from her boyfriend, Yash [Adhyayan Suman]. But he refuses to believe in Prithvi's premonitions. Will Nandita risk her love and her life to unravel this mystery?

Most of us have heard, witnessed or perhaps had a first-hand experience of supernatural. The present-day generation may, perhaps, term it as wild imagination or hallucination, while the believers may have their point of view. Mohit and screenplay writer Shagufta Rafique's characters in RAAZ - THE MYSTERY CONTINUES are believers and non-believers, both.

Mohit smartly builds up the atmosphere. Sample these: Emraan and Kangna's first encounter at a mall and minutes later, inside an elevator; the New Year bash when Kangna is 'attacked' by spirits; Kangna's experience in her bathtub and also when she looks at the mirror; Kangna almost jumping off a cliff; the highpoint sequence, when angry bulls attack Emraan and Kangna. Incredible sequences all! Mohit has handled the most difficult portions with panache.

rating : * * * *(4/5)