Sunday, March 13, 2011

Flourish and Blotts

Books . Books .Books

Time and again , I realize how much I relish reading books . They have always been a source of timepass , some –a joy to read , some classics , a few were un-put-downable . But one thing common about them is the overall reading experience .
The knowledge , the sense of satisfaction & the inspiration you derive after reading a really good book/novel is just superlative. I’m writing this today ,because I just finished reading Dan Brown’s Classic “Angels and Demons” – for the “nth” time .Revolving around the magical world of Dr.Robert Langdon  I’m at a loss of adjectives to describe about the brilliance of this book.  Science and Relgion may be miles apart ,but they need to co-exist . Dan brown has bridged the pillars of science and religion vibrantly.

You’re free this weekend .No trips ? no movies , no hangouts ? got a couple of days off ?? In that case , I highly recommend you guys to read Dan Brown’s Classics .
You can get started right here !!

Few other Books you don’t wanna miss out on :

·      Deception Point –Dan brown
·         Not a penny more , Not a penny less – Jeffrey Archer (This guy is my favourite author)
·         Coma – Robin Cook
·         A scandal in Bohemia –Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
·         Shall we tell the president – Jeffrey Archer
·         Atlas shrugged – Ayn rand 


And  I’ll suggest plenty more in the coming weeks …

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