Sunday, March 13, 2011

For those who do not know the synonym –here is the webster’s definition -

Insomnia is difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep, or having nonrefreshing sleep for at least 1 month

Off  late , I must confess I have become insomniac .And I cant say I hate it .it’s just –I Don’t wanna go to sleep . Staying awake aimlessly ,with my ipod plugged in ,late night soccer , surfing the web , gossips on facebook ,watching a late night movie , eating noodles after 2am . Yes , this has been my routine in recent times . How do I ever get out of it ?

After some profound research over the internet , I have some good news for my fellow insomniacs who are reading this now – (For those who are early to bed & early to rise – Don’t worry ,you’ll continue to be healthy ,wealthy & wise)

The word HOW matters , Not WHEN . sleep at 9pm , sleep at 3am - Doesn’t matter-as long as you have slept for a minimum of 5 ,(preferably 6 or even more hours )

Do what YOU think is the best for you . As you might know every human body incorporates it’s own biological clock and gets seasoned to that clock . Changes are acceptable –but the frequency of changes must be kept in check .

Sleeping & Eating go hand in hand .Immaterial of when you sleep/wake up ,try to satisfy the body’s nutritious needs 3 times a day ,with a 4 hour gap .

So now , My routine is something like this :

Sleeping time -4am
Rising time – Fluctuates from 10am-1pm)
Eating : 2pm, 7pm, 1am (Yeah 1am . LOL)

I’m Insomniac – I’m Lovin it !!

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